CASE STUDY: Vegetarian Diet

Client profile:
Male, age 28, Nonsmoker (NS) – successful family business. Applying for 50MM with an 800K premium
What were the challenges?
He was worked up and initially received a postponement due to slightly low hemoglobin and low MCV on his CBC. After consultation with his PCP and hematologist, it was determined that he was slightly anemic due to his vegetarian diet. The client was prescribed iron supplements. His labs Improved. The original carrier would only consider at best class standard unless he came back in after 6 months once he used the recommended iron supplements and was retested for anemia.

What was the First American solution?
We felt the rating was too restrictive and we felt strongly that other carriers could give a more favorable rating, so we shopped the case to 4 additional carriers.
What was the outcome?
We were able to obtain best-class ratings from 3 of the 4 carriers. (One was at standard). Eventually, the original carrier reconsidered and offered their preferred rate for $15,000,000 of the entire $50,000,000 risk. The client was very happy with the blended outcome and the case was placed.

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