CASE STUDY: Rare Side Effects of Medication

Client profile:
Female, age 63. Applying for a $5 MM 15 year term.
What were the challenges?
She presented as a very healthy woman with the use of 2-3 alcoholic beverages 4 times per week and a 3 year old history of ruptured with complications requiring a course of antibiotics. The antibiotics caused the proposed insured to have a very rare side effect and developed psychosis during the treatment. Once this was realized she was weaned of using other anti-depressant drugs for a year. She has been stable for 1 1/2 years with no anti-depressant drugs.

What was the First American solution?
The original application resulted in a standard nonsmoker offer. Subsequent shopping yielded a wide range of tentative offers from declines to moderate ratings to high ratings and one preferred best nonsmoker rate class.
What was the outcome?
The client accepted the preferred best nonsmoker offer and paid the annual premium of $17,035.

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