CASE STUDY: Previous Abnormal Breast Tissue
Client profile:
Female, age 48, Abnormal breast tissue (4 years prior) and family cardio history, seeking $15,000,000 of term life insurance with a monthly premium lower than $25,000.00.
What were the challenges?
Agents’s primary company rejected application. Two other previous applications with prior BGA also were rejected.
What was the First American solution?
We dug a little deeper to discover that the client attempted to get further diagnostic testing but was unable due to Covid 19. We stressed the previous clear results and pushed to waive the $3.50/1,000 flat extra to make the competitive difference.
What was the outcome?
Credits given to reduce rating from Table 2 to Standard Non Smoker. Secured $15 million term policy at $21,753.75 annual.
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